Sometimes, getting students to talk feels like a traumatic trip to the beauty shop. Stick with me here. You walk into the salon with grand expectations. You've pinned several haircut photos highlighting the life-changing style you desire. You've agonized over auburn vs. chocolate brown, and whether or not either color will age you.
You sit in the chair and share your vision with the hair wizard. She smiles her knowing smile and turns you around, away from the mirror. You hum as you flip through the latest issue of Cosmopolitan and think to yourself, "I'm not too old to read this magazine. I'm still relevant."
Finally, she flicks off the protective cape covering your shoulders and spins you around to face the mirror. For a fleeting moment, you struggle to adjust your face into an emotionless mask. "What the hell was she thinking?" you wonder. "Was I speaking Greek?"
The first time I asked my students to talk independently about a book chapter we read together was just like that. I came to them with big expectations. I told them what I wanted. They smiled their knowing fifth grader smiles... and did something entirely different. Why? Because discourse, conversation, discussion skills (whatever you choose to call it) need to be directly taught. So, I rolled up my sleeves and developed discourse mini lessons to teach my expectations.

Every time I taught a discourse lesson, we created a poster as a memory tool for the skills that they learned. We used table top tents to remind ourselves of the expectations. However, the most powerful practice we did was to reflect on our discourse skills after every formal discussion. Students asked themselves, "What did I do well this time? What are my be-sure-to's for next time?" And then, they also reflected on how their thinking changed as a result of the discourse.
Now it's mid January, and I'm preparing my literature choices for February and thinking about how I will continue to grow my students' discourse skills. January is always a month of review, isn't it?
I've selected three books with a common theme of love to share. All of them explore relationships with grandparents or older relatives. I want my students to engage in compare/contrast talk and writing over the course of this mini-unit.
The three texts I'm using are below!
In The Hundred Penny Box, Michael's great-great aunt Dewbert is 100 years old. She has a penny for every years she's been alive. Together, they play a game. Michael chooses a penny from her collection and she tells him what happened in the year it was minted. She keeps her pennies in an old wooden box she calls her hundred penny box. She tells him that her life is in that box. Taking the box from her would be like taking her life from her. Michael grows to see that things are changing for Aunt Dewbert. Her mind is growing feeble, and sometimes she's confused. 

We'll be using these books to review our discourse skills, write compare/contrast essays, and discuss characters' view points. I'm so excited to stretch my learners a little more!

You MUST visit Kathie, Retta, and Deann's blogposts to read about more awesome love-themed book recommendations and lesson ideas. Be sure to stop by and listen to our podcast about the books, too. It's a great episode!
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